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[远征新西兰系列报道之五]Pangaea 泛大陆号帆船简介_pangaea2009_新浪博 ...
来自 : 新浪博客 发布时间:2021-03-24


Pangaea\'s construction

Over 22,000 hours of design time and years of experience andmarine expertise have come together in the remarkable sailboatPangaea.
Pangaea has been specially designed and adapted to integrate thelatest sustainable technologies and keeps safety for its crew andpassengers a top priority at all times.
Pangaea is built to conform to Mike Horn’s specific requirementsand needs, creating an environment where people from all walks oflife can meet and share the same passion and objectives. The boatwill be used for research, environmental and educational projectsat its ports of call around the world. It will becapable of going into difficult territories and will be equippedwith the necessary tools to fulfill its mission.
Pangaea is a 35-metre sailing vessel that sleeps 30 people andfeatures the latest communication technology and conferencefacilities. It also includes BlueTec engines, solar panels,recyclable aluminum hull and trawling nets for bottles and a numberof other ecofriendly sustainable features.
泛大陆号是艘35米长的风帆船舶,可以容纳30人并配备了最新的通讯技术和会议设施。它还装备有\"蓝色技术\"的发动机 -(注:梅赛德斯-奔驰在1936年生产了第一辆柴油汽车,260D,现在它开发了被称为是蓝色技术(Bluetec)的技术来净化柴油机尾气使其符合2009年适用的欧四排放标准,甚至于满足2015年使用的欧五法规。)、太阳能板、可回收使用的铝制船体,还有用于放置各类瓶子的拖网以及一系列其它的环保可持续技术装备。
As the mission statement of the Pangaea Expedition is to enhance arespect of the environment, the boat had to be built in anenvironmental friendly way and had to be ready to integrate most ofthe tools to produce energy with the lowest possible emission andpollution.
The first step was to choose the right material to build the boat.Aluminum was the obvious one. Technically it performs very well inextreme temperatures. It is very light resistant and durable.Furthermore, aluminum is the most recyclable metal. It can berecycled many times without loosing itsqualities. Recycling aluminum uses only 5% of theenergy required to produce it.

Throughout Mike Horn’s previous expeditions, progress was madethrough natural means and human power. For this reason his dreamwas to build a boat that will encompass this philosophy. A sailingvessel whose main motors will be 600 sq metres of sail. As thisboat will navigate the Polar Regions, it was necessary to havemotors to travel through the sea ice. Engines with low emissionswere chosen in order to keep true to the expedition’sphilosophy.
The boat is equipped with two lighting systems, one providingstandard lighting and the other pilot or dimmed light that willsave on energy. LED bulbs will be used they give stronger lightoutput with reduced voltage requirements.

帆船装备两套照明系统,一套用来标准照明,另外一套用来领航和提供灰暗的灯光一节省能源。使用LED灯泡 -这些LED灯泡提供强光照明但同时减少了电压负荷。

In order to produce the required energy on board, twoeco-friendly systems have been put in place. The top side of thecockpit will be covered with solar panels. The output of amps willbe sufficient enough to charge the batteries of the boat. But asthe solar energy is quite difficult to store over a long period oftime (even with the help of batteries), the boat will also have asystem comprising an electrolyser, hydrogen storage and a fuelcell. The solar panels will be used to give energy to theelectrolyser to break the molecules of water into hydrogen andoxygen molecules. These will be stored and become the fuel thatwill be used to produce electricity within the fuel cell wheneverneeded. In that way, the sun will be the only source of energy andthe boat will be largely self-sufficient.

The last step is to have an eco-friendly way of life onboard.Recycling will be a priority. The kitchen has been designed to havecompartments for wastes such that they are sorted and ready to berecycled each time the boat makes a stop in aharbor. The boat will also be equipped with largenets and a working area to receive bottles and plastic bags thatwill be taken out of the water and transported to be recycled.


Pangaea has a media and broadcast centre onboard equipped with thelatest technology allowing the creation of high quality broadcastcontent. Communication from anywhere in the worldwill be possible. The multimedia centre willenable live TV transmission and production, from TV broadcast toWeb content. Among the capabilities will be post-production ofaudio and video content on different workstations, professional HDVideo, audio and DVD creation, content storage, content conversion,content copying, content backup, video conferencing and ITinfrastructure with office applications, e-mail, internet andinstant messaging using intranet.
A 16-seat conference room with round table will allow guests tocongregate, discuss projects, watch films and make live videoconference calls either with Mike Horn, on the terrain, or withother boardrooms around the world.

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本文链接: http://pangaea.immuno-online.com/view-680705.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)